Title Bar: Waking Up Well
About Kay
Health and Wellness Coaching
Mindful Eating
Personal Training

“ Take good care of your body. It's the only place you have to live.” ~ Jim Rohn


If you want to lose weight, tone your muscles or just feel better in general, hiring a personal trainer is a great first step and an excellent investment in your most valuable resource: your health.












I specialize in Personal Training for women and offer services in Functional Training, Strength and Toning Programs, Nutritional Guidance, Weight Management, Stress Management, Mindfulness, Flexibility and Relaxation Techniques. I also offer Lifestyle Fitness Coaching to help you find just the right FITT for your busy lifestyle. Choose just one or mix and match several options to suit your lifestyle and goals.












Training with weights

Numerous studies show that working with a personal trainer leads to better results in a shorter period of time than going it alone.


Plank ImageDo you believe you should exercise, but just keep thinking:

  • I hate to exercise!
  • I don't have time!
  • I don't have the energy!
  • I'll do it when (I have more time,
    more energy, more money; I've lost
    some weight)…!
  • What's the point, I don't ever see
    any difference anyway, so why bother?!

If any of these sounds familiar, I understand! In fact, I experienced this same struggle and that's why I hired my first trainer - and ultimately became one.

Did you know that movement actually provides you with more energy and helps you feel better than sitting on the couch and watching TV? If you don't believe me, try it for 10 minutes and see for yourself. I'm willing to bet that you will feel better and want to continue!


Bicep curls with bar

When to hire a Personal Trainer:

  • You don't know where or how to get started
  • You're exercising, but not seeing the results you want;
  • You want to learn good form
  • You're bored with your current fitness routine;
  • You feel that accountability, support and motivation would help you to stick with a program.

Alone, a fitness program can seem like just another daunting impossibility added to your already exhaustive ‘to do' list. But with consistent support, motivation and guidance, the ‘impossible' can become possible, and even FUN!


What Is a Personal Training Session Like?

Each session lasts 30, 45, or 60 minutes, depending on your specific needs and preferences. Our first meeting is spent (1) getting to know what you want and need in a fitness program; (2) evaluating your exercise and health history; and (3) assessing your current fitness level. Next, we set achievable goals, from which I design individually tailored programs to meet your objectives. Subsequent sessions are spent doing a combination of cardio, weight training, flexibility and/or other activities, depending on your fitness needs and goals.

Throughout our partnership, I teach you techniques to keep you injury-free; provide you with the on-going motivation, accountability and support you need to enhance success; create variety so you don't get bored or burned-out; track your progress; and provide you with feedback.

Our bodies were designed to move and need regular exercise to ensure optimal health. If your goals include losing body fat, improving muscle tone, increasing bone density, decreasing health issues, and enhancing overall health and fitness, I can help. Call 919-612-8151 or email me at kay@wakingupwell.com today for a free consultation.


Note: The American Council on Exercise® (ACE) is one of only a few certifying organizations in the fitness industry accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). The NCCA accreditation serves as a benchmark on how organizations should conduct certifications, distinguishing the excellence and value of an ACE® personal training certification and discriminating between qualified and unqualified fitness professionals. ACE is also accredited by the European Health and Fitness Association (EHFA).

Reviewed/Updated: January 1, 2018