Title Bar: Waking Up Well
About Kay
Health and Wellness Coaching
Mindful Eating
Personal Training



Well-Being is a state of health, happiness, prosperity and success. It is about thriving, rather than striving or struggling, and results from respectfully tending the body, mind, emotions and spirit.


Current Certifications/

Certified Health and Wellness Coach—WellCoaches

Mindful Eating Coach—
Am I Hungry?®

Licensed Am I Hungry?® Mindful Eating Workshop Facilitator

Certified Personal Trainer—American Council on Exercise (ACE)

Certified Personal Trainer Instructor/Tester - WITS

At a Glance: Kay Joyner
In addition to working professionally in health and fitness since 2006, my diverse work background includes ten years in film, television and theatre; five years in the corporate world; and five years working with at-risk youth. I have worked as a team player, an individual contributor and a leader of both projects and people. I have degrees in Business and Psychology, have traveled worldwide, and have been fortunate to work with people of many cultures and backgrounds.

Throughout the various adventures of my life, health ~ including personal growth and physical fitness ~ has remained my passion. I have studied the mind/body/spirit connection for the past twenty-five years and have an integrative approach in my work. I treat client relationships as partnerships; I respect your innate wisdom and assist you in becoming more connected with it. Whether you need accountability, encouragement, support, guidance, and/or new strategies and skills in your journey to well-being, I can help you discover and fulfill your potential to become the best you can be.

More about My Journey:
Naturally curious, I love to learn and started on the path of self-discovery when I was 16. Along the way, my life has changed numerous times and in numerous ways.

In 1985, after a transformative first trip to Europe, I began a conscious, intentional commitment to personal growth and well-being. I started earnestly researching health and the holistic nature of being human after an illness in 1990. By changing my diet, thought patterns and lifestyle, I ultimately regained my health and have continued to unfold multiple layers on this often amazing journey of self-discovery.

My work in health and fitness began on a part-time basis in 1999 when I was certified as a Group Fitness Instructor and as a Personal Trainer a year later. In 2006, my life transformed once again, and I started working full-time as a health professional.

In 2007, I graduated from the Pathwork Transformation Program ~ a five-year course of deep inner work and personal growth. I became certified as a Reiki Master in 2008. In 2009, I established Integrated Health and Fitness Solutions to serve the wellness needs of the Triangle. I also joined Toastmasters International in hopes of becoming a more effective speaker. I have received Toastmaster's Competent Communicator and Leadership Awards and am working towards an Advanced Communicator Bronze Award. In 2010, I took the award-winning mindful eating program, Am I Hungry?®, developed by Dr. Michelle May, and became a Licensed Workshop Facilitator. I was certified as a Health and Wellness Coach in February 2012, after a year in training. I find my work deeply satisfying and look forward to more adventures as our collective journey to Waking Up Well continues…

If you'd like to learn more about how partnering with me can help you Wake Up Well, contact me at 919-612-8151 or kay@wakingupwell.com.


Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to meeting you!


Reviewed/Updated: January 25, 2019